This Contrast Trailer Will Get You All Jazzed Up

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Contrast, the awesome and jazz fused 2D and 3d hybrid platformer, is finally available for purchase and playing. The game is set in the Vaudevillian 1920’s, and has you playing as Dawn, the imaginary friend of a young girl named Didi.

The developer Compulsion Games has released a launch trailer that is also pretty wicked.

You can check out the trailer below:

The game is full of a ton of original music that is sure to inspire players on multiple levels. The release of Contrast comes in two flavors in fact, one standard digital edition and a collector’s edition. The collector’s edition comes with the following stuff:

  • The Contrast original soundtrack
  • The “Programme” for Contrast, which has 52 pages of gorgeous art, and commentary from the developers.

Contrast is available today in the U.S. on the PS4, Xbox 360 and PC via Steam. The game is also coming to the PS3 on November 19th. Don’t worry Europeans! The game is still coming to Europe on the PS3 on the 20th and on PS4 on the 29th.



Owner and Publisher at Niche Gamer and Nicchiban. Outlaw fighting for a better game industry.

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