An anime adaptation of the light novel series The Saint’s Magic Power is Omnipotent will premiere this April.
The Saint’s Magic Power is Omnipotent is an upcoming isekai fantasy anime that will be based on the light novel series which began in 2017. The series was created by writer-artist duo Yuka Tachibana and Yasuyuki Shuri.
The series follows 20 year old office worker Sei Takanashi who gets caught up in a saintess summoning ritual by a fantasy world. However due to her plain appearance she’s brushed aside and another girl who appeared in the same ritual is treated as the saintess.
Sei finds herself a position at the Royal Research Institute and creates potions now that she’s stuck in this world. However her abundant mana and talent for healing makes it unclear who the real saintess is supposed to be.
A new teaser PV was released in anticipation of the series premiere this April and can be found below.
The manga and light novel series’ are licensed and released in North America by Seven Seas Entertainment. A summary of the series from the publisher can be found below.
“Living the workaholic life in her mid-20s, Sei never expected she’d be summoned to another world, let alone obtain the power of a living Saint. And she especially didn’t expect to be totally ignored by the locals! While the kingdom desperately needs a hero, it turns out Sei was just the backup option. Left alone, she explores her newfound powers at the royal Research Institute, unraveling the mysteries of magic potions. As she helps the sick and the dying, her talents reveal themselves. Might Sei be the Saint this world needs after all?”