The Quantum Astrophysicists Guild to Publish Melee Twin-Stick Shooter Breakpoint


Update: The press release originally provided an older trailer. A new trailer has now been made available, and is included in the original article below.

The Quantum Astrophysicists Guild have announced they will be publishing Studio Aesthesia’s Breakpoint, a twin-stick shooter with explosive melee weapons.

As stated in the press release, the game is inspired by the likes of Geometry Wars. Rather than having ranged weapons, players pick up melee weapons that level up and explode.

“We really wanted to capture the purity of retro arcade games,” a Studio Aesthesia developer explains, “but mixed in with a few modern sensibilities. The melee weapons force you to weave through enemies and get up close and personal, while the weapon explosion system allows you to turn a tense situation into a huge comeback, leading to some really exhilarating moments.”

Each weapon can gain experience, and has branching evolutions. When maxed out, they “become powerful AOE attack opportunities.” The official website boasts 12 enemies, five weapons, and a leaderboard (presumably online).

You can find the announcement trailer below.

Breakpoint launches 2020 on Windows PC (via Steam), and Nintendo Switch.

Editor’s Note: The URL for the Steam page provided in the press release currently redirects to the front page.

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Ryan was a former Niche Gamer contributor.

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