The Link Between Slot Games and Video Games 

While they may appear to be at opposite ends of the scale in terms of online entertainment, there is a surprising amount of similarities between slot games and video games. On a basic level, there have been many video game-inspired slot games, including Call of Duty, Resident Evil, and Super Mario slots. 

On a more complex level, slot game players employ the same techniques and strategies as video gamers. While slot machines are mostly random, there is an art to playing them, much like video games. 

In this article, we’ll explore what links the skill sets of the slot gamer to video gamers. 


Bankroll and resource management 

The key to both slot and video games is playing responsibly and avoiding reckless moves. When playing slot games, you have a certain amount of money to manage. You must set limits and stick to them in order to get the most out of the game. It would be foolish to bet all your money on the first spin; instead, it would be wiser to space out your bets evenly. 

With video games, you may have an in-game currency to manage or a set amount of resources to maintain. These in-game assets need to be used strategically and not all blown in one battle. To ensure game longevity, you should only spend your resources where appropriate, rather than on any opportunity you get. 

The same rule applies to in-game bonuses. While identifying the fastest payout online casino USA, Nick Pappas judges casinos based on the bonuses offered. He argues that slot bonuses – such as sign-up bonuses and free spins – are the best means of extending your gaming session and winning even bigger prizes. 

Similarly, in video games, you need to learn how to use your in-game rewards – such as extra lives and health boosts – wisely to increase the longevity of your gameplay and achieve higher scores. 


Expectation management 

Slot machines are the best means of learning how to expect the unexpected. Both online slots and machines found in brick-and-mortar casinos are based on Random Number Generation (RNG). This ensures that the outcome of each spin is totally random and, therefore, unpredictable. 

While some would argue that there’s some degree of pattern that can be followed with slot machines, there technically isn’t – at least not on legitimate slot machines. The only thing that is guaranteed about slot machines is the payout percentage, which typically ranges from 75 to 98%

The biggest lesson learned from this is how to manage expectations rather than falsely believing that the next spin will have a certain result. This prevents gamers from placing a large of money on a specific spin having believed they have ‘cracked the code’ of the game. 

This acquired mentality can translate directly to video games. While some video games follow a set pattern, numerous curveballs are thrown your way that are impossible to anticipate. 

Rather than sitting back and falsely assuming that the game will play out as you think it will, expectation management allows you to stay on your toes and be better prepared for any outcome, no matter how random. This is particularly important during multi-player games against opponents you’ve never played with before. 


Pattern recognition 

As we’ve already established, there are no patterns when it comes to online slots. However, our brains are naturally analytical, and they work to determine patterns even when there aren’t any. The randomness of slot machines, therefore, is like intense exercise for the problem-solving part of our brains. Even when we’re not conscious of it, our brains are working on some level to attempt to solve the impossible pattern. 

This level of intense brain training better prepares our brains for puzzles that can be solved, like the ones found in strategy video games. So, by being a passionate slot and video gamer, you can gain a competitive advantage over your non-slot-playing opponents.

Given that 75% of gamers believe that video games provide them with mental stimulation, it can be assumed that a similarly high level of gamblers think the same way about casino games. 


Emotional control 

Regardless of your experience as a slot or video gamer, the game can simply not go your way. Slot machines can be particularly frustrating when on a losing streak. The RNG aspect of slot games leads you to believe that a winning spin must surely arrive soon. However, when it doesn’t come, it can be difficult to keep emotions under control. 

Inexperienced slot players will take a losing streak as an excuse to overbet. This state of mind is known as “tilt”, which describes when a player’s frustration causes them to make poor decisions. This can result in a player betting over their limit and losing more money than they originally thought possible. 

Experienced players, on the other hand, know how to keep their emotions under control. They know that a losing streak will eventually pass, and there’s no need for reckless gaming. 

This level of emotional control can also provide a lot of benefits to the video gamer. First Person Shooter (FPS) games are tense and nothing is more frustrating than someone surprise attacking you and diminishing your health. Instead of responding by playing recklessly, you’re more likely to make it out of the situation by calmly approaching it. 

Emotional control is key to basically all games that involve risk and unpredictability. 


Patience and discipline 

As we already covered, it’s important for slot players not to bet recklessly – i.e., to not bet all their money on a single spin. Instead, it’s better to space their bets out over a set amount of time. This requires a high degree of patience and discipline. 

A positive spin may give certain players the idea to bet more in the following spin. However, players need to be disciplined enough to know that a casino game is highly unlikely to give two positive spins in a row. Instead, they should stick to their original, long-term plan. 

Similarly, video games require consistent commitment over a long period of time. Small victories can be celebrated, but focus and patience must be maintained. 


Final thoughts 

There are many ways in which slot games can be linked to video games in terms of strategy, management, and control. In both game types, it’s vital to employ good resource and expectation management. This way, you can prepare yourself for all possible outcomes of the game. In the same vein, it’s also vital to practice emotional control to improve your response to setbacks and defeats. 


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