The Last Tinker is Confirmed for August 19th as a Playstation 4 Exclusive

Mimimi Productions have confirmed some interesting news – The Last Tinker: City of Colors, their upcoming colorful platformer, is going to be debuting on August 19th.

The more interesting bit of information is that The Last Tinker was also confirmed to be a Playstation 4 exclusive, with the product manager Jason Sorensen of LOOT Entertainment confirming the news:

“To be fair, PlayStation rocks because they’ve openly embraced indie developers – and that’s not just PR speak, that’s real. This is awesome, because it means that hidden gems like The Last Tinker suddenly get to bask in the console-exclusive glow as part of the PlayStation family.”

The Last Tinker has a whole host of different gameplay mechanics, like enabling the player to fight with the different colors of the world, solve puzzles (like conducting an entire symphony), and even utilize some wicked parkour abilities.

Ultimately, the goal within The Last Tinker is to save the world and bring harmony back to Colortown – which you’ll be able to do in a little over a week.

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