A theatrical release for an anime based off the children’s book series The Klutzy Witch has been announced.
The original book series by Satoko Narita follows the adventures of Fuka, the titular “klutzy witch”. Fuka is a princess who strives to be like her mother, and she gets caught up in adventures as she plays with her friends.
It’s unknown at the time of publishing who will be animating the film, or even what stories it will entail; as there is a lot of material for the film to pull from. Since 2006 there have been over fifteen books in the original series, and 1.4 million copies sold in Japan. The film was also announced as part of the series 15th anniversary.
An English release was not announced at this time.
作:#成田サトコ 絵:#千野えなが最新情報はアニメ公式サイトにて発表していきますので、続報をお楽しみに❣️https://t.co/yegy6Q9ZDp #らく魔女 pic.twitter.com/3MW7hcVZww
— 「らくだい魔女」アニメ公式 (@anime_rakumajo) October 10, 2021