The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II is a sequel to the critically acclaimed original that features a fantastical story surrounding the legendary vampire hunter, Van Helsing. In the game you progress through a generally progressive story, and the gameplay can be briefly described as an action RPG. There is tons of loot, lots of humor, and ultimately a very rewarding experience.
The sequel to Van Helsing ups the ante in nearly every aspect, increasing the complexity of the story, the character classes, adding hundreds of weapon models and dozens of set items, literally hundreds of new items, doubling the level cap and adding over a hundred player skills, among others. Yes, this is truly a sequel that should not be missed.
Check out a new trailer for the game below:
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II is set for release on Steam on April 17th, for $14.99 dollars. You can pre-purchase the game now and play it in closed beta, just in case you wanted to get your hands on it even sooner.