Co-op survival horror shooter The Forever Winter launches in September

The Forever Winter

Indie developer Fun Dog Studios has announced a release date for The Forever Winter, their new co-op survival horror shooter.

The Forever Winter is launching in early access on September 24th for Windows PC (via Steam). The game may come to other platforms based on the game’s success and community feedback.

Here’s a rundown on the previously announced game, plus a new trailer:

In The Forever Winter, players are a scavenging survivor, leading a community of like-minded individuals who only want to be left alone. Unfortunately, AI controlled factions like Europa and Eurasia control all of the world’s existing resources, and are at constant war with each other to secure more. This means the player must navigate these battlefields to collect the needed resources for their communities to survive. 


  • Prepare for Hell: Players join up at the community hub where they can buy from vendors selling weapons, pharmaceuticals, and additional gear to prepare for the maze ahead, accept missions or dirty jobs from NPCs and rival factions and more. 
  • PvEvE Scenario System: Enemies have their own goals and agendas, operating in coordinated groups, and undertaking full-scale battles. Enemy AI deploys enemies in squads based on their current objectives, with each squad reacting differently to player actions. As the player gets more powerful or makes a bigger mark on the battlefield, the enemy will deploy more (and stronger) firepower to counter. And players will never be stronger than the enemy.
  • Brace the Cold Challenges Ahead: While surviving is always the primary goal, players can earn more XP, gear and money by taking on quests. Each quest has varying threat levels commensurate with their risk and reward: harder quests give larger reputation rewards that increase your faction standings, earn more credits, and get rewarded with more powerful gear. 
  • Increase Skills and Gear Up to Survive: Spend accumulated resources between sessions to level up health, speed, accuracy and reload speed that give you a fighting chance against The Forever Winter’s relentless enemies. 
  • Prioritize Stealth and Teamwork: Coordinate with your squad to outsmart enemies and avoid detection to gain the upper hand, or tactically plan battles and ambushes to win guerilla engagements. Just don’t take the enemy head-on. You won’t live to tell the tale. 
  • Death is Just the Beginning (Again): If your squad dies, the run’s over. And death is unforgiving. If you fall in battle, you’ll lose everything in your inventory for that session, and have to start over from scratch. Build up a stash back at base between sessions to keep the upper hand in the future. 



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