The First Screenshots for Tokyo Ghoul: Masquerader Showcase the Game’s Systems

tokyo ghoul masquerader 2015-03-27 5

Bandai Namco have released the first images taken from their upcoming adventure RPG for the Playstation Vita, Tokyo Ghoul: Masquerader.

Tokyo Ghoul: Masquerade, first revealed in January, is the second video game to be developed for the Tokyo Ghoul manga and anime series. (The other is a mobile game.)

The game, for which Sui Ishida, the author of the manga series, will be creating a new protagonist and story, allows players to freely move about Tokyo, engage in conversations with other characters via an ADV system, and will also feature battles through which the protagonist will level up. All of that’s illustrated in the screenshots below.

(Thanks, Games Talk.)



With over ten years' experience as an editor, Dimi is Niche Gamer's Managing Editor. He has indefinitely put a legal career on hold in favor of a life of video games: priorities.

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