The Final Fantasy VII Remake is ‘Not Completely Action-Based’

Square Enix debut the first gameplay for the Final Fantasy VII Remake last night, and naturally purists are concerned over the game’s seemingly action-RPG look to its combat.

The developer shared a video (featured above) where producer Yoshinori Kitase talked up the game, and its changes made to essentially update the classic RPG.

“I can’t say the new game is completely action-based, but it has more of that element and real-time than the previous game,” Kitase said in the developer video.

“However, what makes Final Fantasy and RPGs different from other games is that the players have the ability to choose weapons, capabilities and magic to be strategic minded, so while the new game has more real-time element, it will also maintain that strategy building element, balancing these two factors perfectly to enhance the gaming experience.

“The game is still in development, and we have not fully grasped all the abilities of and upgrades made to PlayStation 4. The graphics are superb on PlayStation 4, and more polygon volume is available to make it better.

“The way we harnessed the power of the PlayStation 4 was to maintain the graphic quality of characters like Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith in the movie called Advent Children in our game, and this was the starting point. So, what we’re aiming for with the Final Fantasy VII Remake is to have the same quality of these characters in real-time while playing the game, and this is only achievable with PlayStation 4.”

The Final Fantasy VII Remake is currently in development for PlayStation 4.



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