The Evil Within, the new creation from Shinji Mikami, the father of survival horror, was shown at Quake Con behind closed doors.
A youtuber by the name of DarkPhantomGaming has apparently managed to record some footage of the game, you can see it below:
The game is played from the eyes of Detective Sebastian Castellanos, a police officer who is mysteriously transported away to a world filled with monsters and his close friend’s madness incarnate, the ultimate goal is to face his fears and escape from it all alive.
In this leaked footage you see Sebastian take cover, shoot a little and then hilariously fail and get his head chopped off via a chainsaw to the neck. It was pretty amazing (the decapitation), if I do say so myself.
The game is pretty gruesome, and it’s coming to practically every modern platform including PC, PS4 and Xbox One. The Evil Within does not have a release date currently.