A second season for the anime series The Detective is Already Dead has been announced.
The series follows the young man Kimihiko Kimizuka who has terrible luck which finds him at the center of crimes and incidents. His life was rescued by the cool silver-haired Siesta, a detective. Together, the three travel around, solving incidents before Siesta meets an untimely death.
Rather than the end of the story The Detective is Already Dead follows Kimihiko as he discovers just how much of an impact Siesta left on the lives of others.
幕引きには、エピローグには、まだ早い——#たんもし#tanmoshi pic.twitter.com/R39U6UENhz— 『探偵はもう、死んでいる。』公式@シャルスピンオフ&原作11巻&画集発売中【アニメ第2期制作決定】 (@tanteiwamou_) July 24, 2022