Terraria 1.3 Update Finally Available for PS4, Xbox One Coming Soon

Despite being available for the PC version for a few years now, Terraria’s big 1.3 content update is finally available for PlayStation 4.

While the PlayStation 4 update is now available, the Xbox One version was just submitted to Microsoft for approval (Editor’s Note: if approved it should be released this Friday, if not soon).

Here are some of the highlights from the new update:

  • Brand new invasions and events – including Martian Madness and the penultimate challenge: the battle vs the Lunar Cultists, Celestial Pillars, and the Moonlord himself!
  • Over 800 new items – including weapons, armor, potions, building items and more – are available to find or craft!
  • Expert Mode – Fortune and Glory, Kid… are you willing to take on a much higher challenge with the promise of greater rewards?
  • New Biomes – the Underground Desert, Sky Lakes, and other mini biomes are out there for you to uncover
  • Loads of Quality of Life changes and new features/mechanics
  • Updated sprites and artwork aligned to the PC 1.3.4 update

This isn’t the only new stuff in the update, as the console versions have had their entire codebade rewritten from the ground up to match the PC base:

  • Brand new Controller schemes – including Red’s Pick and legacy console defaults – as well as full controller remapping so that you can customize your controls to your preferences.
  • New UI for Single Player and Splitscreen that more closely matches PC
  • More save slots for Players and Worlds
  • Larger worlds that now exactly match their intended sizes on PC
  • Other smaller visual and otherwise tweaks

It’s worth mentioning Re-Logic and Pipeworks confirmed the game’s Switch port would move into full development once the console versions got the 1.3 update. So, we’ll hopefully see the game ported to Switch in the new year, or at some point with the game’s mobile version getting the 1.3 update.

Editor’s Note: Thumbnail via Scrap Brain

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