Tecmo Koei Appears to be Localizing Ar no Surge

ar no surge tease 06-24-14-1

Fans of the Ar tonelico series have anxiously been waiting for the Playstation 3 and Playstation Vita spinoffs Ciel no Surge and Ar no Surge for quite awhile now. It looks like that wait is finally over, if a blatant tease from Tecmo Koei is anything to go buy.

Post on their official Twitter, Tecmo Koei Europe is clearly teasing a localization for what appears to be Ar no Surge, the Playstation 3 sequel to Ciel no Surge, the Playstation Vita spinoff set within the Ar tonelico universe. Ciel no Surge was released back in 2012, and it’s already making a comeback in the enhanced Vita port for Ar no Surge, in the form of Ar no Surge Plus.

Could this be a localization of the Vita port, which includes both games? We can only hope. Tecmo Koei Europe is going to fully reveal what lies behind the curtain at 9:00 AM BST tomorrow, which equates to 4 AM EST.

We’ll keep you guys posted.

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