The upcoming anime series TECHNOROID: OVERMIND has been postponed due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
The announcement comes a few days after studio Doga Kobo was forced to close down as a result of the virus. Episodes of this seasons Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie may also be delayed.
TVアニメ『#テクノロイド オーバーマインド』の制作を担当する動画工房様において、今月、社内コロナウィルス感染者急増により会社が一時封鎖されました。
— テクノロイド (@TECHNOROID_info) April 29, 2022
TECHNOROID: OVERMIND is a sci-fi series which follows the withdrawal of humans following rapid climate change as a result of the sun. The “Entertainment Tower Babel” provides the remaining humans with hope and entertainment in these depressing times.
The series was originally meant to begin this July.