The previously announced film based off of the series Teasing Master Takagi-san is expected to premiere this summer.
Teasing Master Takagi-san is an ongoing manga series that began in 2012 by creator Yamamoto Souichiro. The series popularized the niche genre of clueless male protagonists being teased that’s spearheaded by other series like Don’t Toy With Me Miss Nagatoro and Uzaki-chan Wants to Play.
【🎬劇場版 ティザーCM解禁!】
▶️高木さんめ— アニメ『からかい上手の高木さん』公式 (@takagi3_anime) February 14, 2022
A summary of the series from MyAnimeList can be found below.
Having a friend that knows you inside out should be a good thing, but in Nishikata’s case, the opposite is true.
His classmate Takagi loves to tease him on a daily basis, and she uses her extensive knowledge of his behavior to predict exactly how he will react to her teasing, making it nearly impossible for Nishikata to ever make a successful comeback. Despite this, Nishikata vows to someday give Takagi a taste of her own medicine by making her blush out of embarrassment from his teasing.
The series has also spawned a spinoff series following the future married life of Nishitaka and Takagi, along with their daughter Chii.