Tales of Xillia 2 E3 2014 Hands-on Preview

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Tales of Xillia 2 is the latest mothership Tales game to come west and I’m sure fans of the series are very eager to get this one in their hands. I haven’t played any Tales games since Tales of the Abyss on the Playstation 2, so I can honestly say that I am very much out of the loop.

This is especially considering this is the sequel to another Tales game that I know nothing about, but I managed to get my hands on and play a short demo in the Sony booth.

After playing the game for a bit, I wondered why I ever got out of the series in the first place.

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Tales of Xillia 2 sports some tight controls, intense battles that can end in mere seconds if handled correctly, and a cast of interesting anime-styled characters that interact well together, all of which made for a really awesome demo.

Now all I have to do is convince Niche Gamer’s own Geoffrey to lend me his copy of the original game… before Tales of Xillia 2 releases on August 19th of this year.

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I've been playing games since i was six years old, and they are a huge part of my life. I play every genre I can get my hands on, and I'm not afraid to admit that I'm addicted.

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