UPDATE: Tales of Hearts R is Confirmed for North America, Exclusive to Gamestop

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The cat’s out of the bag, Namco Bandai really is localizing Tales of Hearts R on the Playstation Vita. If you missed our original report, leaked product release date listings pointed to the game being officially localized, although it was still unclear of whether or not the game was actually coming.

Now, an official Gamestop listing has revealed that the game is coming, and that is exclusive to the retailer. The release date has been moved to December 31st of this year, which seems like more of a placeholder. For now, we don’t have much to go off of as this has clearly been updated prior to an official press release.

We’ll update you guys as soon as we have an official press release.


It seems that Gamestop really did prematurely publish the store page, as it has been taken down now. As the rule of game industry leaks goes, however, if it’s been taken down quietly, that pretty much guarantees its authenticity.

If it lingers and is addressed via a generic PR copypasta (i.e. ‘We don’t comment on rumors or speculation’), it’s more than likely fake. Plus, you have to judge each leak individually as far as the credibility of the source goes.

Here’s a screen cap of the page just for reference:

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You can also view a Google cache version of it here, although I’m not sure how much longer this will be up for.

We’ll keep you guys posted.

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Owner and Publisher at Niche Gamer and Nicchiban. Outlaw fighting for a better game industry.

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