Tales of Berseria Japanese Release Date and Extended Trailer Coming April 13

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Bandai Namco announced that they’ll be putting forth more information regarding Tales of Berseria‘s Japanese release date and story soon – next week, in fact.

As a bit of a teaser for the announcement, Bandai has announced that they’ll be revealing the game’s official Japanese release date next Wednesday, April 13th. Coming with the release date announcement will be a longer version of the last trailer that was released back in March.

The trailer will be unveiling some more story-related details as well as giving everyone a better look at the in-game graphics and the Ufotable-animated cutscenes. We also may get a better taste of the theme song “Burn”, as performed by FLOW.

Tales of Berseria is indevelopment for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 in Japan, while the game’s western release will include only PlayStation 4 and PC.



I'm a pretty chill guy. Huge video game fan, but a bigger anime fan. I also love to write - obviously.

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