Takashi Tokita Endorses U55


We’ve covered U55- End of the Line  before, but the for those out of the loop – the game is a horror game being brought to you by German developer Effective Evolutions about exploring subway tunnels in Lovecraft flavored apocalypse.

The on going Kickstarter recently caught the eye of  Takashi Tokita, who reached out to the team with some words of encouragement. In case you don’t know who Takashi Tokita is, he is better known for his work on games like Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy and Parasite Eve, so his attention says quite a bit about U55’s potential.

You can check out what he had to say HERE. With only a few days remaining and little more then half of the funding goal left, the project is in a mad dash to the finish line. It’s fate, in the end, is entirely up to you. If you want to pledge, you can do so here.

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