System Shock Remake Now Targeting a 2020 Release

Following the news that Nightdive Studios was putting their System Shock remake on hiatus and had to reassess the entire project, the developer has firmed up their projected release window.

The news comes via a new interview with Nightdive CEO Stephen Kick and PC Gamer, where Kick said the company is looking to release the game in “Q1 of 2020.” Kick also talked up the overall development mantra for the title:

“Our intention is to ship exactly the game that was promised, with as much of the features that were promised as we can, in a time frame that will get it out as fast as we can,” he said.

Kick said that he doesn’t expect additional costs with the delay of the game, saying the “more complex and costly game” has lit up “renewed interest from some publishing partners.”

The System Shock remake is currently in development for Windows PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One

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