Surprise DLC Released for Dungeons 3

Realmforge Studios and Kalypso Media have released a new, and unexpected, DLC pack for the game Dungeons 3.

An Unexpected DLC introduces a new campaign set across three maps, as well as a new enemy type and a new boss encounter. The DLC pack is $4.99 and now available on all platforms. You can check out a trailer for it above.

Here’s a rundown of the new content:

A wild DLC appeared! The disgustingly good heroes used PANIC, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! It’s super effective!

After the Absolute Evil’s continuous triumphs and his ultimate pwning of the Goddess of Light, the remaining little insec…er…heroes, have found shelter in the depths of the Queen of the Forest’s evergreen woods. In fact, this so-called Queen truly dares to oppose the Unconscionable-And-Defacing-Nature Evil. It’s time to clear woodland – Timbeeeeer!

Feature List:

  • A new, fully voiced campaign across 3 challenging maps
  • New boss enemy: The Queen of the Forest
  • New creep type: Rootling

Dungeons 3 is available on Windows PC, Mac, Linux (all via Steam and GOG), PS4, and Xbox One for $39.99.

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Frank was a former Niche Gamer contributor.

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