A spin-off anime series of Strike Witches, titled Luminous Witches, has been announced for sometime in 2022.
The original Strike Witches is a multimedia franchise starring young girls in an alternate version of World War II era Earth. The girls, known as Witches, have magical powers capable of fighting aliens that are attacking Earth called the “Neuroi.” The Witches use World War II armaments, magic, and special flight gear called Striker Units. The latter are modeled after real life World War II aircraft.
The spinoff series Luminous Witches will follow Witches on the home front, who lift up the peoples’ spirits with their idol-like performances. SHAFT will be animating, while the series will be written and directed by Shouji Saeki
The latest trailer for Luminous Witches can be found below.
An official release date for the series has yet to be announced at the time of publishing.