Capcom has announced a Strider Hiryu reboot at San Diego Comic Con. Pictured above is Strider’s most recent foray into games, his appearance in Marvel Vs. Capcom 3. This reboot is being called simply – Strider.
The main series has been dead for ages, Capcom seems to not want to ever do new properties again so it’s natural that they’re digging at the bottom of their dead franchise barrel now. Now defunct studio GRIN was apparently working on a Strider reboot before they were shuttered for no reason, so it’ll be interesting if this game is just a continuation of their work or a whole new project altogether.
The game is now being developed by Double Helix, the guys who did Silent Hill: Homecoming and Battleship – so I’m not sure if this reboot will be that good. It’s coming to PS4 and Xbox One as well as PS3, PC and Xbox 360.
Oh, and here’s the trailer – I told you he’s coming to cut you: