Stranded Deep Available Now on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One

Stranded Deep

Beam Team Games have announced Stranded Deep has launched, and is available now on PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

As detailed in the press release (via Business Wire), you play as a plane crash survivor in the Pacific Ocean. Now players must search high, low, and underwater to find the supplies for the tools, weapons, and shelter they will need to survive.

Along with hunger, thirst, and exposure, players will have to fight wild animals. These include sharks, giant squids, wild boars, snakes, and more.

The game originally entered Early Access on Steam in 2015. Steam also describes how the game allows leveling up of stats (Harvesting, Craftsmanship, Cooking, Physical, and Hunting), customizing your own ship (and even making a gyrocopter), how islands are procedurally generated, bosses, split-screen co-op, a map island editor, and more.

While the game is still in Early Access on Steam, as of this time of writing, there has been no announcement of when the game will exit Early Access launch on the platform.

You can find the Official Launch Trailer below.

You can find the full rundown (via PlayStation) below. A longer rundown can be found via Steam.

In the aftermath of a mysterious plane crash, you are stranded in the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean. Alone, without any means to call for help, you must do what you can to survive.

Explore underwater and on land as you hunt for supplies to craft the tools, weapons, and shelter you’ll need to stay alive. Stay sharp: hunger, thirst, and exposure conspire against you as you brave treacherous elements and the dangerous creatures of the Pacific.
Live long enough, Stay Alive!

Stranded Deep is in Early Access on Windows PC, Linux, Mac (all via Steam), and is available now on PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Image: Steam



Ryan was a former Niche Gamer contributor.

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