Statue Maker Gaming Heads claims Sony requested destruction of all merchandise

Gaming Heads Sony

In an open letter posted on Twitter, statue maker Gaming Heads claims Sony requested the destruction of all PlayStation merchandise made by the store.

Gaming Heads claims Sony is the one stopping them from delivering their current orders, and according to the statue maker, Sony stated that Gaming Heads and its products were no longer a business priority.

In part of the open letter, Gaming Heads claims:

We have worked with SONY PlayStation for more than 10 years to bring you some of the best video game collectibles and have been trying hard to get them to change their mind. They know you have paid your hard-earned money for items that are ready to ship to you or that are in production but unfortunately, after doing all that we can, they have told us not to ship your orders to you – “our business priorities remain unchanged” (a recent direct quite from SONY).

Yes, this is SONY PlayStation’s decision, not ours.

Gaming Heads also has directly linked to the personal email of Judy Ward, who is responsible for Sony’s commercial partnerships, asking for people to directly message her pertaining to ongoing orders.

Not all customers seem to be on Gaming Heads’ side, with some claiming that the store should honor their ongoing orders. Some customers have also noted that they engaged in a transaction with the Gaming Heads, and not with Sony.

We clearly don’t have the full story in our hands, especially since we haven’t even heard Sony’s side yet, so only time will tell if this is another example of the little guy being crushed by a massive company or just a poor attempt at shifting the blame.



Fan of skeletons, plays too many video games, MMO addict, soul-like and character action enthusiast.

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