Starr Mazer Blasts Classic Adventure and Shmup Action into Your Face

Starr Mazer is a Kickstarter-funded point-and-click adventure and shmup hybrid by Imagos Softworks, and it definitely has a sizable amount of character, thanks to the protagonist Brick M. Stonewood (the “M” stands for “Metal”).

Featured above, you can view the game’s Kickstarter trailer, which shows off the game’s somewhat insane mashup of various genres, creating what the devs call a “retro-sexy sci-fi epic” with modern improvements, somewhat open-ended gameplay, and even some RPG elements.

Here are the game’s features:

  • Fantasticly deep story driven point-and-click adventure IN SPACE!
  • Classic style horizontal scrolling shoot ’em up inspired by the best in the genre!
  • Open-Middled Gameplay (OMG!) dynamic story module system for MASSIVE replayability!
  • Ridiculously beautiful pixel art and animation!
  • Fully voiced with fan-favorite voice talent from Film and TV!
  • Stunning soundtrack by Alex Mauer and special guest artists!

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The story within Starr Mazer is set a hundred and thirty years after the Great War, which has left the galaxy in a “goddamned mess.” With the core planets burned and pushed beyond repair. Enter Brick, a relic of an older time, when men were men and the truth “spilled at 60km/s from the barrel of a gun.”

Brick was discovered by deep space miners, floating adrift in a sleep-lock, only to be later revived at the Holloway-Exeter Station. Brick wakes up with (you guessed it) amnesia, and is determined to find the secrets of his past.

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The game even has a cameo from Portuguese developer Nerd Monkeys‘ own point-and-click adventure game Detective Case and Clown Bot, with Detective Case himself.

Another highlight of Starr Mazer is easily the game’s soundtrack, which is an amalgamation of chiptune goodness from various up-and-coming and veteran composers alike, including Alex Mauer (VEGAVOX, Serious Sam: Random Encounter), Manami Matsumae (Mega Man), The Protomen, Virt (Shovel Knight) and more.

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If you want to back Starr Mazer on Kickstarter (it’s already funded, but still going) head on over to their kickstarter page.

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Owner and Publisher at Niche Gamer and Nicchiban. Outlaw fighting for a better game industry.

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