Square Enix Boss is Teasing Unannounced PS4 Titles for 2015

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We’ve learned from Famitsu (via Games Talk) that Square Enix is teasing unannounced Playstation 4 game reveals for this year.

Alongside Final Fantasy XV, Dragon Quest Heroes II, and even the newly revealed and Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness, Square Enix boss Shinji Hashimoto is teasing even more games coming to the Playstation 4, however these other games are currently unannounced.

We’ve compiled the relevant quotes below:

Famitsu: Dragon Quest Heroes II was confirmed rather quickly. At first, we believed it was an April Fool’s Joke!

Hashimoto: That must have definitely surprised you! (laughs) We hope to aid in the growth of PS4 even more. If this happens, even more games will be released, which in turn will make me happier (laughs).

Famitsu: Square Enix has good variety of PS4 titles coming – does this mean it’s the right time to buy a PS4?

Hashimoto: On the 23rd of April we have Tropico 5 (Square Enix is localizing the game in Japan), followed by Final Fantasy X } X-2 HD on May 14th. There are lots of titles coming this year, including ones that haven’t been announced yet – so please look forward to them all!

We’ll keep you guys posted.



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