Soulframe gets deep dive with gameplay during first developer livestream

Digital Extremes hosted the first developer livestream for Soulframe, their upcoming free-to-play action/MMORPG hybrid game.

The first live gameplay demonstration gives fans of the Warframe developer’s next game, its world building, characters, and gameplay mechanics.

Here’s a new batch of screenshots:

The new content and gameplay shown includes:

  • FIRST FABLE, WARSONGS PROLOGUESpinning the first narrative threads of Soulframe comes Warsongs Prologue, a Fable introducing the world, its characters, and beasts. Players got a sneak peek at an experimental approach to choices and character design. As an Envoy, heal the Ode curse to restore the forgotten culture and memories to the beings of Alca.

  • NEW ANCESTOR & OMEN BEAST: Verminia, the Rat Witch, can enhance the customization of cosmetics while also assisting in crafting potions, elixirs, and other tinctures among the family of Ancestors in the Nightfold. An encounter with a massive armored bear, Bromius, was also teased.

  • NEW ENEMY, NIMROD: Take cover from the mighty Nimrod, a towering foe capable of manipulating thunder and lighting while wielding a devastating tesla-coiled melee staff. The first encounter with them won’t be the last, so be sure to keep an eye on the sky…

“The closed testing we’ve been doing with our community has been so impactful; we’ve learned a ton, and we continue to listen and learn each day,” said Soulframe Creative Director, Geoff Crookes. “We’re hoping to open this up to a lot more players this fall. Everything is still rough around the edges, but that’s part of our style – the feedback is important to us, and we really do iterate on it regularly.”

“The community we’ve formed around Soulframe has been really inspiring for the team and they are the backbone of everything we do,” said Sarah Asselin, Soulframe Community Manager. “ We’re welcoming more new players than ever and we can’t wait to share our progress through regular Devstreams with the team as we continue to peel back Soulframe’s layers of intrigue.”

Here’s an archive of the livestream, time-stamped for the new gameplay:

A release date and release platforms haven’t been confirmed for Soulframe.



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