Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) have patented viewers voting and even paying to kick undesired players from video game streams.
OP Attack reports that the patent is designed so viewers of video game streamers and esports to vote on benching players; once the vote reaches the threshold. The reason for this is when a player is performing badly- either in gameplay or in an unsporting manner.
“In particular, the embodiments described herein describe a voting interface that enables spectators to vote to remove players from the video game for bad behavior, e.g. poor sportsmanship, substandard performance in the video game, or simply because the spectator does not wish to see a particular player play in the video game.”
Methods to prevent trolling (i.e. voting for a player that has been a linchpin for the team’s success) include a voting threshold of 60%, or even having to pay to vote.
The patent stresses that this is benching a player for a short time and “may still be eligible to return to active game play and may still be considered to be part of the game.” However, the patent is not opposed to “other embodiments” removing a player from the game entirely.
In March of this year, SIE acquired the Evolution Championship Series (EVO) fighting game tournaments. While most fighting games are 1-on-1 affair, the patented mechanic could be used if SIE expands more into other esports.
It could be used for casual or exhibition matches or tournaments for shooters, real-time strategy games, MOBAs, and more team-based mutliplayer games. If used in serious tournaments however, SIE would need to make extremely sure those who are voting are not doing so out of malice (a fan of, or even betting on the success of, the opposing team).
While a patent has been made, there is no guarantee SIE will act on it. Only that others cannot without Sony’s permission.
In July of this year, SIE patented a form of cloud gaming technology; promising an “elimination of piracy” and an alternative to consoles.
Image: Among Us (via Steam)