Here’s Some Substantial Witch and the Hundred Knights Gameplay

The Witch and the Hundred Knights Art 1

4Gamer has posted a 10 minute gameplay walkthrough for Nippon Ichi’s upcoming game, The Witch and the Hundred Knights. In the game you play as the eccentric witch Metallica, who controls a magical knight who can apparently transform into a hundred cavalryman. The knight can also equip different weapons.

The game is an isometric view action RPG where you struggle to overtake your rival witch – the ugly forest witch. It isn’t clear yet if the game is open world or not, although NIS did plan for the game to be open world. They wanted to focus on making sure the graphics looked nice so the game could stand up to other 3D games released around this time.

Nippon Ichi hasn’t done that many 3D games, as per the game’s many delays. The Witch and the Hundred Knights is being developed by the Prinny team, one of NIS’s more talented teams. You can definitely tell it’s them by how awesome the music in this trailer is:

The game is launching next Thursday in Japan, July 25th. Also – NIS America is bringing the game over although they haven’t confirmed a solid release date yet after the game slipped away from its previously slated 2013 release.


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