SNK Boss Asks Fans if They Want a Metal Slug Reboot, With Traditional Mechanics

SNK Corporation is making big strides in pleasing longtime fans of their wide library of equally old franchises. A new tease from their boss suggests they might be finally bringing back Metal Slug, and in a big way.

The news comes via an interview with Deputy General Manager Yasuyuki Oda and Dualshockers at this year’s Tokyo Game Show, where Oda polled fans if they want a new game in classic the run-and-gun franchise.

“If we rebooted Metal Slug in some way, would they [gamers] be happy with the same ‘one hit you die’ mechanic?,” Oda asked. “Do gamers today think we should put it out that way?”

Oda was naturally asked whether or not they are actually considering rebooting the venerated gunslinging franchise.

“Obviously there is a lot of stuff that people want us to reboot,” he said. “We have people asking for Garou [Fatal Fury], people asking for Art of Fighting, people asking for Last Blade, people asking for Metal Slug… We would love to do all of them for obvious reasons.

There are always discussions going on, but whenever we get down to it and we start talking about Metal Slug we start thinking, is it ok to put out a game like that nowadays?”

Recently, SNK launched a game that is fan-service literally personified – SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy. Read our review here to find out why the game is worth checking out. They’re also launching a 40th anniversary collection of games – the SNK 40th Anniversary Collection, for Nintendo Switch on November 14th.

Would you like to see Metal Slug rebooted? If so, how would you like the style and mechanics? Sound off in the comments below!



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