Snezhinka: Sentinel Girls 2 launches this month

Snezhinka: Sentinel Girls 2

Japanese indie developer hinyari9 has announced a release date for Snezhinka: Sentinel Girls 2, their sequel to anti-tax anime girl shooter game Marfusha.

Snezhinka: Sentinel Girls 2 is launching for Windows PC (via Steam) on August 27th, news confirmed to Niche Gamer.

Here’s a rundown on the previously announced game:

You play as Snezhinka, an employee of a private military company, defending various targets against enemey onslaughts in a dystopian 2.5D pixel art world.

Prepare for increasingly stronger enemies by purchasing cards using your meager paychecks after taxes and middlemen’s fees to strengthen your character.


  • More than 100 types of cards, including characters, power-ups, and chance events
  • More than 30 types of weapons
  • 8 unique characters
  • Score attack rankings


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