Slitterhead demo now available


Bokeh Game Studio has released a playable demo for Slitterhead, their recently released survival horror game.

The new playable demo for Slitterhead is now available on all platforms and the PC versions of the game are currently running a 30% discount.

Slitterhead has been available since November 8th for Windows PC (via Steam and the Epic Games Store), Xbox Series X|S, PS4, and PS5. Get our review for the game!

Here’s a blurb on the demo:

This is the demo version of Slitterhead. Saved progress data as well as difficulty settings may be transferred to the full version.

Set in the densely cluttered streets of “Kowlong,” filled with obscurity and chaos, this battle action-adventure game casts players as the “Hyoki,” an entity devoid of memory and physical form. His only motive is to eradicate the monstrous beings known as “Slitterheads” crawling around the city, disguising themselves as humans.

Roaming the vibrant neon-lit cityscape, players must seek out allies among humans known as “Rarities,” infiltrate and track dangerous organizations, and engage in battles harnessing the power of blood. As the suspenseful drama unfolds, delve into the mystery behind Hyoki’s existence and the appearance of the Slitterheads.



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