A short format anime series called Deji Meets Girl will premiere this October as part of the Fall 2021 anime season.
The series follows two youths, Higa Maise who is an Okinawa native, and Suzuki Ichirou who just came to the islands from Tokyo. Ichirou is staying at the hotel owned by Maise’s family and whenever he’s around, strange things seem to happen around her.
Though these strange things are seemingly benign. There’s a tone of whimsy to the series and the strange goings-ons include things like fish swimming in mid-air. The series will follow Maise and Ichirou as strange things happen around them.
“スーパーアニメイズム枠”おしりにて放送予定2人の出会いを描いたPV公開中!https://t.co/O6FfwXCgVU#DMG pic.twitter.com/rOq9r17IQU
— アニメ「でーじミーツガール」公式 10月放送開始! (@dejimeetsgirl) July 29, 2021
As a short format anime, each episode of the series will only be about 90 seconds long. The series is being worked on by LIDENFILMS who are largely known for their work on Koi to Uso and The Heroic Legend of Arslan.