Screenshots and Trailer Showcase the Sovereign from Etrian Mystery Dungeon

Atlus has revealed a new trailer and a batch of screenshots for the Sovereign class in Etrian Mystery Dungeon.

The blue-blooded class makes use of heavy plated armor, and generally sounds like a tank-like class, complete with party-inspiring abilities.

Here’s the full (hilarious) description for the Sovereign, courtesy of Atlus:

Soft! What light mace upon yon fanged howler vine breaks? One doth dare not to thumb thy nose at Sovereignty! Only fools and cowards forget to bow before royalty. Wretched, bloody and usurping boar! You, minion are too saucy and I’ll tickle your catastrophe!

The Sovereign is no slippery and subtle knave like the Ninja. No! As a descendant of royalty, breathing the vapor of dungeons clad in heavy plated armor is a class staple of the Sovereign. Taking strikes for their people and inspiring commoners with their own magnanimity is an everyday task. Forsooth, because of the Sovereign’s natural tendency to buff and protect those below them, they art the most wonderous of companions. Though do keepeth this in mind: thou doth not chooseth the Sovereign to beest in thy party. No, the Sovereign chooseth thee.

Etrian Mystery Dungeon is launching exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS on April 7th.



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