Ride Through A Neon Colored 1980s World In New Racing Game, OutDrive

Racing games seem to be the next big untapped genre for indie games to emulate, with Fast Racing Neo and Horizon Chase (as well as several others) gaining traction in the gaming community. You can add another to the list with the recently announced OutDrive.

Set in a neon-lit world and full of some of the smoothest and most addictive retro music I’ve heard in an indie title, OutDrive revels in its decade of excess-ness by not shying away from being hokey in order to get its theme across. Proof of that comes in the game’s premise, which has all the ludicrousness of an episode of The A-Team:

    Put the pedal to the metal or your girl will die!
    Her heart works with help of the car engine and it’s you who decide how much time she has.
    And it depends on you how many neon landscapes she will see – the road to the sky has no end in the last trip.
    The endless world in Retrowawe setting where you’ll burn tyres of the car to the strongest tracks of Retowawe/Synthwawe composers.
    Neon landscapes with mountain chains and beaches will be your companions in the fated race.
    If the car engine stops working, she will die and her blood will be on your hands!
    See you on the fluorescent road in your last ride towards the sunset!

Outdrive has a Steam Greenlight page, for those who are interested in following it. Regardless of the result of its campaign on greenlight, the game should be available for Windows and Linux PCs this Spring.

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Carl is both a JRPG fan and a CRPG'er who especially loves European PC games. Even with more than three decades of gaming under his belt, he feels the best of the hobby is yet to come.

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