The Jackbox Naughty Pack Review

When going to a party, there are a variety of games that you can play with friends or new people. Depending on what your friends are like, there could be a wide variety of games ranging from board games, card games, drinking games, and even video games. When trying to decide on what type of game you should play, you should always poll the audience and gauge their opinion. Based on their interests or decisions, games like Cards Against Humanity, Apples to Apples, Monopoly, Mario Party, Mario Kart, Overcooked, Poker, Pokemon Stadium, and Jackbox Party Pack are often good choices to liven up the party. This month, Jackbox Games released its latest expansion to the Jackbox Party Pack franchise; the newest expansion is called Jackbox Naughty Pack.

Developer: Jackbox Games, Inc.
Publisher: Jackbox Games, Inc.
Platforms: PC (Humble, Steam, Epic), Apple TV, Amazon TV, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S
Release Date: September 12th, 2024
Players: 1 – 8 + Audience 
Price: Base: $21.69 USD 

New Gameplay & Game Modes

The latest installment to the Jackbox Party Pack franchise titled Jackbox Naughty Pack is comprised of three game modes. Shockingly, the Naughty Pack only contains three game modes compared to the usual five. The three game modes are called Fakin’ It! All Night Long, Dirty Drawful, and Let Me Finish. Yes, all three of these titles are sexual double entendres. Each of these three game modes features more raunchy or adult prompts or questions. Although these questions may be more adult in nature, the way they are written feels like the developers took more of a childish approach to them. 

Fakin’ It! All Night Long

In Fakin’ It! All Night Long, players must figure out who out of the group has been chosen as the Faker. The faker will not receive prompts to their device and must bluff their answers in order to stay in hiding. After each question, the group has the opportunity to accuse another player as the Faker; with a majority of the votes, the player will then be accused. Accusing the wrong player does not eliminate them from the game but gives the faker a chance to remain in hiding; if a character is voted they are “revealed” After three rounds have passed the faker is revealed and players who correctly voted for the faker get points. For each question the faker survives, they receive points. In the final round, the faker isn’t notified that they are the faker but their prompt will be different than the others. The winner will then celebrate at the end.

This game mode can be fun especially since players aren’t eliminated and you have a chance to come up with fun ways to trick your friends and other players. 


Fakin’ It returns and this time we’re putting it all out there. Everyone gets a secret task except the Faker, who tries to blend in. Find out which of your friends is the best liar…

Jump in the hot tub because there’s a new Fakin’ It, and this one is for the adults.

In Fakin’ It All Night Long, everyone gets a secret task except for one person… the Faker. The Faker has to try to blend in with the group and LIE, CHEAT, DENY or do anything to not get caught.

Featuring new categories like: Finger Blast Thumb Shot Emojional Damage

In addition, there’s a brand new “remote play” mode that allows players to play the game even if they aren’t in the same physical location! Everyone should be allowed to get a little naughty, no matter where you are.

This spicier version of a fan favorite will truly have you Fakin’ It All Night Long

Dirty Drawful

In Dirty Drawful, players who enter the game must draw their avatar, which they will play as in the game. This game has only one prompt for the round. Players will then be asked to draw a prompt; then the rest will take the prompt and then come up with captions for each image.  The winner is decided based on whoever gets the most votes. An award is also granted based on the drawing that received the most emotes. During each round and in between, players can hit one of seven emoji images multiple times to have alerts and sounds playing. 

Unless you are a fan of drawing and coming up with interesting titles, this game mode can get stale pretty fast. Some players get overly competitive with this and go out of their way to draw the best possible thing which can eat up to much time. 


It’s Drawful, but dirty… It’s Dirty Drawful. We’ve taken the Drawful that you love and added spicy prompts to ensure your drawings are both terrible and titillating.

Hoot let the owls out? Hoot hoot hoot.

It’s Drawful, but dirty… It’s Dirty Drawful. We’ve taken the game that you love and added prompts to ensure your drawings are both terrible and titillating.

Everyone draws something based on a spicy prompt. When each drawing is presented, players write something to trick everyone else into thinking it was the correct answer. So, draw penises and then trick your friends, what more could you ask for?!

Well, we have also added an emoting system and (drumroll please) an undo button! It’s not often that you can take back the mistakes you’ve made, so enjoy it.

Let Me Finish

Let Me Finish is similar to some of the other presentation games that Jackbox Games has released in the past. The questions and prompts are sexual in nature but most feel like they were written by teenagers who do not understand sex or adult topics. In each round, two presenters start by stating which option they are choosing and why. After the two present, players then vote on which argument is better. The other players can butt in and present their case on why they think should have won for some points. The winner is the one who gets the most points. The game is similar to Patently Stupid. 

Out of the three game modes, this one is the most difficult to play without using Discord or being in the same room. If you aren’t it can be quite a hassle to play. 


Let Me Finish is Jackbox’s new presentation game that examines life’s serious questions like, “Where is the mailbox’s butt?” or “How does this avocado get aroused?” Everyone gets a chance to speak their mind but will others pick up what you’re putting down?

Have you ever wondered how a rocket ship poops? Or where a taco’s nipples are?

In Let Me Finish, players take turns going head-to-head in trying to convince their friends that they know the answer to some of life’s most scandalous questions. Draw on photos and then use your handy dandy laser pointer tool to really illustrate your point.

And if you weren’t in the head-to-head, but also have something to say, JUMP IN. You could score some extra points after the main battle.

And finally, prove to the world that a trombone likes it when WAIT NO WE CAN’T WRITE THAT HERE.


Jackbox Naughty Pack features a ton of settings to make the host and players’ lives easier. In the main menu, the host can adjust the game’s volume and size. In the Content Control tab, the host can adjust the language and profanity filter. They can also set it to US-based questions and allow for there to be moderators. The game’s accessibility tab contains the ability to turn on subtitles, extend timers, disable timers, and minimize motion sensitivity with less animated backgrounds. In the gameplay tab, the host can allow for audience to play, skip tutorials, post-game sharing, password protection, Twitch-only accounts, controller-only start, and room code hiding. 

In Dirty Drawful, there is a Drawful Purist option that makes it so players can not undo their drawing mistakes. There are no special options in Let Me Finish or Fakin’ It.


Although it is always fun to play a new Jackbox Party Pack, the Jackbox Naughty Pack misses the mark slightly with its selection of games and limited game modes. Two of the games feel too similar to other game modes that Jackbox In has put out before and feel you are paying for something that you could create on your own. The adult topics are raunchy at first but a majority of the questions and prompts feel like they were written by children pretending to be adults. Honestly, it would have been interesting if Jackbox pushed the envelope a bit further and gave more options; it felt like they played it too safe.

The Jackbox Naughty Pack is one you can skip or wait until it goes on sale. 

The Jackbox Naughty Pack was reviewed on PC using a copy provided by Jackbox Games, Inc.. You can find additional information about Niche Gamer’s review/ethics policy here. The Jackbox Naughty Pack is now available on PC (Humble, Steam, Epic), Apple TV, Amazon TV, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.


The Verdict: 7

The Good

  • Helpful accessibility options
  • Comedic Price Tag
  • Can hide room code
  • players do not get eliminated in Fakin It

The Bad

  • Only 3 games in pack
  • Two of the games are rehashed game modes
  • Adult themes feel childishly written


Hardcore gaming enthusiast, cosplayer, streamer, Tall Anime lover (6ft 9), and a die-hard competitor. I have been a Pop-Culture Journalist since 2011 specializing in shooters, Pokemon, and RPGs.

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