Arzopa D10 Digital Picture Frame Review

Arzopa D10 Digital Picture Frame

Whether you have a ton of family and friends or are a lone traveler exploring the world, you will often make memories along the way. When you feel like sharing those memories, you will typically share them on social media (Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, RedNote, and more). Although sharing photos with others on social media can be fun and a great way to share a part of your life with others, it does not fill the void of seeing those moments every day. Yes, you could keep them on your phone and look at them periodically, but that is not the same as having them displayed in your house. In the past, people would have their films developed and they would put them in frames. 

Nowadays, rather than having to wait hours or days to have your film developed or pictures printed, you can print them at home or display them on a digital frame. On some smart TVs, you can display some of your favorite images and have it rotate through them on a slide show, however, doing so can use a lot of power and can image burn. Rather than risking your expensive TV, you can always use a digital picture frame to display your videos and images. Because of having a ton of photos from traveling and work, we decided it was time to pick up a digital picture frame. So, when Arzopa reached out to us about what we might like to review, we asked for the Arzopa D10 Digital Picture Frame.

Arzopa D10 Digital Picture Frame
Manufacturer: Arzopa
Release Date: August 12, 2024
Price: $199, on sale for $99.99


When first unboxing the Arzopa D10 Digital Picture Frame, we noticed that the frame was secured properly to make sure it would not slide and had a slipcover to avoid scratching. Once you take the frame out of the box, the power cord is secured carefully in a little box underneath the frame.

Setting up the physical aspects of the device is fairly simple, detach the kickstand from the resting spot of the frame and insert it into the hole. With the frame upright, we then connected the power cord to the frame expecting that it would be charging a battery. 

After plugging in the Azorpa D10, we expected that it would take a little time to charge so we started setting up the actual frame to receive pictures and videos. When you first set it up, you can choose to sign into an account, create an account, or connect through your Google account.

After connecting the device to our home network, we were able to update the device and start choosing our preferences. The device then shows a QR code with a link to the App followed by the ability to rename the frame and set the time zone. 

With the frame set up, it was now time to test uploading photos to the app and transferring them to the frame. Selecting the images and videos you want to upload to the device is fairly simple.

After selecting the photos you want in the app, click upload and they will start to move over; be careful, if the phone goes to sleep, the transferring of photos and videos will be canceled. Additionally, you can transfer photos to the device by using an SD card or a USB C. 


The Azorpa D10 Picture Frame has a variety of settings to make the users’ experience unique to themselves. Under the My Frame settings users can change the the frame’s name, language settings, time zone, and the 24hr clock format. If the brightness is too high, lower it with the brightness slider or even activate sleep mode. 

The Sleep mode has the option to set a time to sleep and to wake up at a different time; users can set the dates on which the sleep timer applies.  In the Manage Files Tab, users can transfer content from their PC to the photo album or export photos from an SD card.

Additionally, you can delete folders with a mass bulk option. Friends and family can upload photos through a QR code.  Once photos and videos are uploaded, you can toggle the auto-play function and change the playback speed. Videos can have their volume adjusted. 

In the notifications tab, users can turn off notifications for new members joining, photos/videos being added, network disconnections, backup status, computer connection, and device updates.

While the Arzopa D10 Digital Picture Frame is fairly easy to set up, the inability to be used without constant power from a power cord is quite unappealing. Both the website and trailer for the product indicate that it can be used without having to be plugged in constantly.

In addition to not having a rechargeable battery, the speakers on the device are rather poor quality. Yes, things are audible when watching a high-quality video but on older or compressed files, the audio quality sounds like absolute garbage.

The frame is visibly appealing with its phonograph/record player look. The ability for friends and family members to be able to add photos and videos to it remotely can be a blessing and a curse; you have to be careful who gets the code or you can end up with some annoying or naughty videos.

Users can slide through images by dragging their fingers left or right. Images can be hidden or shown by editing the playlist which can be helpful if you want to switch photo themes, show off different trips, or hide questionable images. 

If you are looking for a digital picture frame, then you may want to pick up the Arzopa D10 Digital Picture Frame. The divide always requiring to be plugged in is highly unappealing especially when you compare it to other frames. Yes, the smart features are helpful, but if you are just looking for a regular digital picture frame then you might want to consider something else.  

You can pick up either the Arzopa Z1RC 2.5K Portable Monitor or the Arzopa D10 Digital Picture Frame as part of the Arzopa Valentine’s Day Special.

The Arzopa D10 Digital Picture Frame was provided by Arzopa. You can find additional information about Niche Gamer’s review/ethics policy here. Arzopa D10 Digital Picture Frame is available starting at $199 but it is currently on sale for $99.


The Verdict: 7

The Good

  • HD and 4k Photos look good
  • Can add photos through phone app, SD card or USB C cable.
  • Friends can add photos anywhere around the world
  • Can swipe through images and change the slideshow interval
  • Can hide images or change playlists

The Bad

  • Video sound quality is low especially on older or lower quality videos
  • Does not have a rechargeable battery.
  • Required to be plugged in for use
  • Uploading images can be interrupted if your device goes to sleep


Hardcore gaming enthusiast, cosplayer, streamer, Tall Anime lover (6ft 9), and a die-hard competitor. I have been a Pop-Culture Journalist since 2011 specializing in shooters, Pokemon, and RPGs.

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