The second season of the anime series Rent-a-Girlfriend will premiere this July as part of the Summer 2022 anime season.
Rent-a-Girlfriend is an ongoing series starring a young man named Kazuya who uses an app to “rent” a girlfriend after a difficult breakup. Chizuru Mizuhara is a girl working for the girlfriend rental service, she comes off to Kazuya as shallow and cold and he leaves her with a low rating.
However due to his grandmother’s worsening condition, Kazuya uses the app again to introduce his “girlfriend” to her and put her at ease that he’s doing well. Afterwards the two discover that they’re actually neighbors which makes it difficult for them to maintain a professional relationship.
TVアニメ #彼女お借りします 第2期
水原千鶴、七海麻美、更科瑠夏、桜沢 墨のヒロイン4人が、これから始まるデートへ向けて「準備中」なイラストです!
— 「彼女、お借りします」TVアニメ公式 (@kanokari_anime) January 14, 2022
The first season of the series premiered in 2020 and is available to watch on the Crunchyroll streaming service.