Renegade Kid has Revealed Xeodrifter, a Metroidvania Experience for 3DS

xeodrifter 08-04-14-1

Renegade Kid has revealed their next bold new game, Xeodrifter, a Metroidvania experience for the Nintendo 3DS.

Believe it or not, Xeodrifter came from founder and Renegade Kid boss Jools Watsham having a bit of fun and creating a 2D “demake” of Moon Chronicles, the studio’s episodic DS/3DS first person shooter.

The game eventually turned into something completely new the more the team kept toying with and expanding upon it. Watsham elaborated his affinity for the genre in the reveal:

“I am a huge fan of Super Metroid, Metroid Zero Mission, and Castlevania: Circle of the Moon, and have always wanted to develop a game in that sub-genre.” 

Instead of having a large, grandiose castle or planet to explore, Xeodrifter will have more intimate experiences, while also still having oodles of secrets for players to dig up and find as they explore.

Xeodrifter isn’t dated yet, but Watsham made a note of saying that once the game’s development is complete, the studio will resume working on Treasurenauts.



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