Relive Your Youth With Pole Position Inspired Pico Racer

Developed for the Pico-8 “Fantasy Console”, the newly released Pico Racer is something only people who remember the Atari age may appreciate. Owing its look and gameplay to classic racing titles like Atari’s Pole Position or the Commodore 64/Amiga classic Pocket Rockets, Pico Racer is a simple race against the clock on a twisting road that has you avoiding other cars while picking up flags to increase your timer.

Those who are intrigued can play Pico Racer in their browser, which lets you enjoy the sweet ascending sound of an 8-bit engine roaring in the background while you work.

The developer, Kometbomb, can be followed via their twitter account, where further updates to Pico Racer are said to be forthcoming.

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Carl is both a JRPG fan and a CRPG'er who especially loves European PC games. Even with more than three decades of gaming under his belt, he feels the best of the hobby is yet to come.

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