Relive The 1980s Racing Game Scene With Horizon Chase

I don’t know about our readers out there, but I grew up with a love for racing games. I enjoyed the speed, simplicity and music of those late 80s, early 90s racers but slowly left the genre as they became more complex and confusing. While the majority seem to like the “sim” racers such as Asseto Corsa and Forza Horizon, I’m still playing the first two Flatout games and booting up my Turbografx-16 to play Victory Road. It’s more than just nostalgia, it’s the fact that simple racers like that are hard to find nowadays.

Enter Aquiris Game Studio, the developer behind a new indie racing game called Horizon Chase. Unlike modern racers, this one is all about reliving the style of the 8 and 16bit era while in a slicker, smoother looking engine. Similiar in look to classics like Super Monaco GP or Final Lap Twin, Aquiris Games Studio seems passionate about retaining that classic style of racing that some still pine away for.

What’s even better is that the music is being composed by Barry Leitch, the man behind the Top Gear, Lotus Turbo Challenge 2, and Rush soundtracks. Not too bad for such a relatively small studio.

You can follow the game’s development through the company’s Twitter, their Facebook, or the current and official project page on Tumblr.

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Carl is both a JRPG fan and a CRPG'er who especially loves European PC games. Even with more than three decades of gaming under his belt, he feels the best of the hobby is yet to come.

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