Ready or Not Devs Committed to School Shooting Level, Will Not “Glorify Cowardly Criminal Acts”

In development for a few years now, Ready or Not is an ambitious tactical police shooter with simulations of real-life threats. A level for the game caused blowback and Team17 to split from publishing, and Void Interactive has committed to making the school shooting level, saying they won’t “glorify cowardly criminal acts.”

The news that Ready or Not would include a level based on a theoretical active shooter in a public school came from the game’s official subreddit, where a dev confirmed they had the level planned. This caused a furor over the mere possibility the level exists, even if presented as is and show how police could actively stop a school shooter.

Now, a few days later, Void Interactive has posted a lengthy explanation behind their decision to still include the level. The dev says “there is no easy way to address this issue” without “creating strong emotional responses” from one group or another, but they “will do their best.”

Furthermore, Void said that the game “honors the work of dedicated law enforcement officers across the world” and “in no way intends to glorify cowardly criminal acts.” This is quite the difference from Hatred, a different game that literally glorified you playing as a mass-murderer as you just murdered everyone in sight.

As their Steam page confirms, the developers have worked with police teams worldwide to provide the most realistic tactical police sim they can envision. This includes rules of engagement and a scoring system that is both “challenging and realistic”, as well as models that have “ballistic penetration, ricochet, kevlar and plate dynamics, and projectile expansion and momentum.”

The team also noted they know a game portraying such horrific events “carries with it difficult subject matter” and that they know this “requires a certain responsibility” to the fans and the community. They hope they can “play some small part” in honoring those who have been impacted by “real world tragedies”, and that their portrayal doesn’t “trivialize their experiences.”

Lastly, Void said they will “continue to follow our vision,” and will continue to listen and work every day on the game. As it stands, Ready or Not has over fourteen thousand user reviews on Steam already, and they’re overwhelming positive – with many saying this is a true successor to the SWAT series.

Ready or Not has been available for Windows PC via Steam Early Access.



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