An upcoming anime movie Psycho-Pass: Providence has been officially announced.
Set in a dystopian future where crime is harshly punished by the Sibyl System, Akane Tsunemori is an up and coming “Inspector”. Inspectors are tasked with investigating crimes and dispensing justice as dictated by Sibyl, a powerful machine intelligence that analyzes individuals and marks them as “latent criminals”.
Inspectors are authorized to dispense justice using Dominators, firearms that are linked to an Inspectors “Psycho-Pass”, a reflection of their mental state as indicated by Sibyl. Alongside Inspectors are Enforcers, former Inspectors whose exposure to crime and violence has left them with doubts and thoughts leading Sibyl to brand them as Latent Criminals. Enforcers are given special dispensation to work alongside Inspectors with the understanding that to disobey an Inspector could mean their death via Dominator.
シリーズ最新作『劇場版 PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス PROVIDENCE』の制作も決定!
ぜひご期待ください!#pp_anime #pp_10th— PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス 公式 (@psychopass_tv) August 14, 2022
At the time of writing it’s unknown what we can expect from Psycho-Pass: Providence or if voice actors like Kana Hanazawa might reprise their roles.