Playtonic Tease Project Ukulele Protagonists in a Game of Spot the Difference


At Rezzed 2015, Playtonic showed off screenshots of their upcoming 3D puzzle platformer, nicknamed Project Ukulele, which they later posted online—except the images they uploaded were different than the slides they presented at the event.

Above is the render they uploaded online (left), and the original slide as it was presented at Rezzed (right). We can see two characters in the original: what people are speculating is a bird (the eye of which you can see between the two flowers), and what appears to be a lizard of some kind (between the leaves).

Playtonic will be crowdfunding for the video game in May. In the meantime, check out the first concept art for Project Ukulele.

The developers intend for the 3D platforming puzzler to be available on PCs through Steam, but no other platforms have been confirmed yet.

Just because, here are the actual screenshots presented at Rezzed:

(Thanks, Reddit.)

project ukulele 2015-03-20

project ukulele 2015-03-20 2

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With over ten years' experience as an editor, Dimi is Niche Gamer's Managing Editor. He has indefinitely put a legal career on hold in favor of a life of video games: priorities.

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