We’ve learned Platinum Games have even more new IPs up their sleeve.
The news comes via an interview with Platinum Games studio boss Atsushi Inaba and Video Games Chronicle, where Inaba revealed the studio is working on moving even more towards self-publishing, with fully owned intellectual properties. He teased development on an unannounced title which “has never been done before.”
He added, “I know a lot of people say that, but the game we’re working on truly is unlike anything else. Even for our varied history of veteran game developers, this is something that has never been designed before. So from a game design perspective, we’re very excited right now.” They’re also working on a second brand new IP, which is also unannounced.
The developer is also overseeing a change in the design process for Bayonetta 3 based on their experiences developing the first two games in the series.
Inaba noted the developer will eventually have the “freedom” to own their intellectual properties, and make important decisions on the future of titles or franchises.
“2019 will be an incredibly important year for us,” Inaba said. “Without speaking directly to the number of titles we may or may not announce, I can say it’s going to be a year of some major new approaches, new challenges and new methods for us. Basically, we’re building a new foundation that in later years will pay dividends. For us, new challenges are going to be very important.”
The developer will still pursue third party-backed games, however.
“There are still going to potentially be games in which we partner with publishers to do big things with big IPs,” Inaba said. There might be some co-publishing options where we’re doing some of it and they’re doing some of it to make a larger game, and there might be situations where we’re going to be self-publishing larger games as well.”