Platinum Games Creative Producer is Tired of Bayonetta 2 Port Begging

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It seems like the rabid port begging for Bayonetta fans for the upcoming sequel, Bayonetta 2, has gotten to near ridiculous levels.

Platinum Games’ Creative Producer JP Kellams has revealed on twitter that the port-begging has gotten so bad that he is just unhappy posting things on the game’s official Facebook, as it quickly gets consumed by pedantic port begging:

He also had a follow up, describing the sheer amount of port begging the studio has received over the year since the game’s reveal:

It’s a shame to see a key member of the team working on Bayonetta 2 being so frustrated over how much fans are clamoring for the game to hit platforms beside the Wii U. Hideki Kamiya, the creator behind Bayonetta, has even plainly told port-beggers to “F*CK OFF” on twitter. You may think his response is a bit too harsh, but if you see how many times he gets asked the same question every day, you’d probably start cussing people out too.

It’s a bit silly for people to be still protesting for Bayonetta 2 to come over to other consoles as the game simply wouldn’t not have happened without Nintendo’s support. Simply be happy that the game is still coming, you silly trolls.



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