Paradox Hands Over Mount & Blade to Developer TaleWorlds Entertainment

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Paradox Interactive have just handed over the rights and future development of yet another game to its creator, this time its Mount & Blade and the development studio TaleWorlds Entertainment. Previously, Paradox Interactive handed over development of the hardcore MMORPG Salem to developer Seatribe.

While this news may come as upsetting to some, Paradox Interactive has secured a parting gift for any owners of the game on Steam. If you log into Steam you should find that you now have Early Access to their upcoming game Magicka: Wizard Wars. Paradox also confirmed that their forums for Mount & Blade are closing soon as well:

“We will be shutting this forum down for posting soon. And at a later stage it will disappear completely, so if you have anything on here you wish to preserve. Now is the time to get it!”

Mount & Blade first released in 2008 by the Turkish based studio TaleWorlds Entertainment, and has since seen a sequel in the form of Mount & Blade: Warband, and a standalone expansion with Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword. A totally new entry in the series, Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord, was revealed in September of 2012, and is currently in development for PC.

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