An anime adaptation of the manga series Otaku Elf has been officially announced.
Otaku Elf began as a manga series in 2019 and follows a high school girl who works as a shrine maiden. But the true guardian deity of the shrine isn’t some noble spirit, instead it’s a lazy elf who would rather spend all day playing video games than listening to prayers.
「少年マガジンエッジ」にて好評連載中の #江戸前エルフ のTVアニメ化が決定しました⛩
キービジュアル第1弾も公開‼— 「江戸前エルフ」公式 ⛩ (@edomae_elf) June 15, 2022
The series has been serialized in English by Seven Seas Entertainment, you can read a plot synopsis from the publisher below.
A lighthearted manga series about a quirky elf from another world who’s fascinated by video games–and the local girls who have to deal with her.
Koganei Koito works as the teenage shrine maiden at the Takamimi Shrine, catering to the whims of its resident: a centuries-old elf who loves video games as much as she hates going outside! Line up your offerings for the otaku elf—some energy drinks, chips and video games will do nicely—and watch her new friends scramble to keep up!
At the time of publishing, an English release for the anime has yet to be announced.